Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Timelines: Geld-Weltwährung, Globale Ereignisse

Institutional Goals

The Bank has established four institutional goals which build on progress made during the Bank’s inaugural year.:

    • Sharpening the Bank’s Strategic Focus and Shaping its Corporate Brand
    • Scaling-Up Support to Clients and Refining the Programming Approach
    • Bolstering Financial Sustainability and Paving the Way for Market Access
    • Continuing Institution Building
These institutional goals lay the foundation for implementing the three thematic priorities.

Thematic Priorities

During its first year of operations, client demand and stakeholder engagements have strongly validated the original rationale for the creation of the Bank, and emphasized three areas of particular relevance, which have now evolved into the Bank’s emerging thematic priorities:

  • Sustainable Infrastructure
    Promoting green infrastructure and supporting countries to meet their environmental and development goals.
  • Cross-country Connectivity
    Prioritizing cross-border infrastructure, ranging from roads and rail, to ports, energy pipelines and telecoms across Central Asia, and the maritime routes in South East and South Asia, and the Middle East, and beyond.
  • Private Capital Mobilization
    Devising innovative solutions that catalyze private capital, in partnership with other MDBs, governments, private financiers and other partners.