The second world war – preparation

The development of NSDAP is an example of how economic and social conditions can be exploited to extreme political developments and how big capital always does this when it is their interest.

(This will be no different today with the extreme right-wing developments in Europe)

The main demands of the NSDAP were:

  • The unification of all Germans on the basis of the right of peoples to self-determination.
  • The repeal of the Versailles peace Treaty.
  • Land and soil (colonies) to settle the population surplus.

The german elite hesitated between 1930 and 1933 to bring NSDAP to power. When the NSDAP became ever more successful, it had published its 25-point Plan and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf“, it was clear that it was also about “creating living space in the east”.

The german economy had to get to cheap raw materials in order to drive the economy forward.

The US MoneyMonarchy saw again a new opportunity to get hold of the huge natural resources in Russia.

On 30. January 1933, Kurt Freiherr von Schröder, one of the most powerful bankers in Germany with good connections to Wallstreet and City of London, invited Hitler and his predecessor Franz von Papen.

In the presence of Hitler’s Deputy Rudolf Hess, SS-Heinrich Himmler and Hitler’s liaison with the german industry, Heinrich Keppler advised how german’s industry can be made independent from abroad in areas such as synthetic oil and rubber – a prerequisite for a successful war.

On 20. February 1933, three weeks after Hitler’s appointment, a secret meeting was held between Hitler and 27 Industrialists (Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, representatives of Siemens, IG Farben, Vereinigte Stahlwerke and Opel, AS well as the chairmen of the Reichsverband der deutschen Industrie).

Hitler announced the closure of trade unions. Industry and the financial sector agreed to support Hitler’s march campaign.

More than two million Reichsmarks were transferred to the account of the later Reich Minister of Finance and President of the Reichsbank, Hjalmar Schacht, the MoneySoldier.

On 1. June 1933, the Adolf Hitler Fund of the german economy was introduced by the Reichsstand der Deutschen Industrie (RStDI), which Hitler was free to dispose of.

August 1933: all innkeepers had to donate 1% of their turnover and then all industrial enterprises had to contribute 5% of the wage costs.

The left wing under Gregor Strasser was impressed by the proximity between the NSDAP and the big money, and crept in and now openly confessed to private property.