♠ Die Geldmonarchie übernimmt die Ukraine

MoneyMonarchy’s goal, right after the breakdown of Soviet-Union, was to transform all former Soviet-Union countries located between Russia and other western core states like Germany to core states of MoneyMonarchy.
Their favored method of choice is “Regierung austauschen” (switch governement).
One of those target countries is Ukraine. The special strategic interest to takeover Ukraine is based on further facts:
  • Russian natural gas is transported to western Europe via pipelines in Ukraine
  • New gasfields dedected in eastern Ukraine
  • Crimea is hosting a large military complex of Russia (Soviet-Union)
  • Ukraine must join World Trade Organizaton
The transformation of Ukraine to one of the core states of MoneyMonarchy would be a great victory for them. This would assure that Russia will not be part of a Unification with Germany or the EU of any kind.
MoneyMonarchy must prevent any kind of future organization between Germany and Russia. This could jeopardize their final goal.

Declaration of Independence of Ukraine

1991-08-24 0:00

The Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Акт проголошення незалежності України, translit. Akt proholoshennya nezalezhnosti Ukrayiny) was adopted by the Ukrainian parliament on 24 August 1991. The Act established Ukraine as an independent state.

The Act was adopted in the aftermath of the coup attempt on 19 August when hardline Communist leaders of the Soviet Union tried to restore central Communist party control over the USSR.

In response (during a tense 11-hour extraordinary session), the Supreme Soviet (parliament) of the Ukrainian SSR in a special Saturday session overwhelmingly approved the Act of Declaration.

The Act passed with 321 votes in favor, 2 votes against, and 6 abstentions (out of 360 attendants). The author of the text was Levko Lukyanenko.

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Murder of Georgiy Gongadze


Thirty-one year-old Mr Gongadze was an outspoken critic of the former regime led by Leonid Kuchma. He was abducted in September 2000 and his headless body was found two months later buried in a forest.

The circumstances of his death became a national scandal and a focus for protests against the government of the then President, Leonid Kuchma. During the Cassette Scandal, audiotapes were released on which Kuchma, Volodymyr Lytvyn and other top-level administration officials are allegedly heard discussing the need to silence Gongadze for his online news reports about high-level corruption.


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Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies


Das Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies, kurz CANVAS, deutsch Zentrum für angewandte gewaltlose Aktion und Strategien, ist eine Organisation, die sich mit gewaltfreiem Widerstand beschäftigt. Sie bildet weltweit prodemokratische Aktivisten aus.

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Ukraine Presidential Election 2004


The 2004 presidential election in Ukraine eventually featured two main candidates:

  • sitting Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, largely supported by Leonid Kuchma (the outgoing President of Ukraine who had already served two terms in office from 1994 and was precluded from running himself due to the constitutional term limits)
  • the opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko, leader of the Our Ukraine faction in the Ukrainian parliament and a former Prime Minister (in office 1999–2001)

The election took place in a highly charged atmosphere, with the Yanukovych team and the outgoing president’s administration using their control of the government and state apparatus for intimidation of Yushchenko and his supporters.

In September 2004 Yushchenko suffered dioxin poisoning under mysterious circumstances. While he survived and returned to the campaign trail, the poisoning undermined his health and altered his appearance dramatically (his face remains disfigured by the consequences to this day).

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Erdölkontrolle: General Clark – 7 Kriege in 5 Jahren


Vor 2007 wurden riesige neue Erdöl- und Erdgasvorkommen entdeckt. Meiner  Einschätzung nach  wurde um das Jahr 2006 alle neuen und alten Erdöl und Erdgas-Vorkommen auf der Erde durch die Geldmonarchie neu bewertet. Sie kam zu dem Schluss, dass die weltweiten Erdölreserven so groß sind, dass sie noch sehr, sehr lange die Weltwirtschaft antreiben werden.

Diese Erkenntnis hat sie dazu veranlasst, einen Masterplan zu entwickeln, der ihnen eine möglichst große Kontrolle über die weltweiten Fördermengen des Erdöls und Erdgases ermöglicht. Wer das Erdöl kontrolliert, kontrolliert die Weltwirtschaft. National Endowment for Democracy hat sich an die Arbeit gemacht, diesen Plan umzusetzen.

Die Auswirkungen dieses Masterplanes sehen wir besonders in den Kriegen und Unruhen in Nordafrika und Kleinasien und durch den Druck auf Russland als Öl- und Gaslieferant der EU. Auch die Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung und Verwendung erneuerbarer Energien sind deutlich zu sehen.

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Ukraine presidential election 2009


In 2009, Yanukovych announced his intent to run for President in the upcoming presidential election. He was endorsed by the Party of Regions and the Youth Party of Ukraine

Minister of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko accused Yanukovych of financial fraud during the campaign. Yanukovych’s campaign was expected to have cost $100 to $150 million.

On 11 December 2009, Yanukovych called for his supporters go to Maidan Nezalezhnosti Kyiv’s Independence Square in case of election fraud.

Early vote returns from the first round of the election held on 17 January showed Yanukovych in first place with 35.8% of the vote. He faced a 7 February 2010 runoff against Tymoshenko, who finished second (with 24.7% of the vote). After all ballots were counted, the Ukrainian Central Election Commission declared that Yanukovych won the runoff election with 48.95% of the vote compared with 45.47% for Tymoshenko.Tymoshenko withdrew her subsequent legal challenge of the result.


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Yanukowych rejects EU

2013-11-21 0:00

Yanukovych rejected a pending EU association agreement, choosing instead to pursue a Russian loan bailout and closer ties with Russia.

This led to protests and the occupation of Kyiv’s Independence Square, a series of events dubbed the “Euromaidan” by young pro-European Union Ukrainians. In January 2014, this developed into deadly clashes in Independence Square and in other areas across Ukraine, as Ukrainian citizens confronted the Berkut and other special police units.

In February 2014, Ukraine appeared to be on the brink of civil war, as violent clashes between protesters and special police forces led to many deaths and injuries.

On 21 February 2014, Yanukovych claimed that, after lengthy discussions, he had reached an agreement with the opposition.

Later that day, however, he left the capital for a speaking engagement in Kharkiv, coming under fire as he left Kyiv, and travelling next to Crimea, and eventually to exile in southern Russia.

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Ukrainian far-right group claims to be co-ordinating violence in Kiev

2014-01-23 0:00
  • The Guardian: Ukrainian far-right group claims to be co-ordinating violence in Kiev
  • Wikipedia: Right Sector (Pravyi Sektor)
  • Globalsecurity.org: Pravyi Sektor
  • Youtube: Interview of the Pravyi Sektor member

    Andriy Tarasenko, one of Pravy Sektor’s co-ordinators, agreed to meet the Guardian in a cafe in central Kiev. Wearing a rollneck jumper and with a quiet voice, he seemed a far cry from the warriors on the street, but his message was clear.

    “For us, Europe is not an issue, in fact joining with Europe would be the death of Ukraine. Europe means the death of the nation state and the death of Christianity. We want a Ukraine for Ukrainians, run by Ukrainians, and not serving the interests of others.”

    Tarasenko said the goal of the group was a “national revolution” that would result in a “national democracy” with none of the trappings of the “totalitarian liberalism” that the EU represents for him.

    He also has little time for the trio of opposition politicians who have been the de facto protest leaders, including the former heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko. “The only negotiations with [President Viktor] Yanukovych should be about how he gives up power. If any of these leaders were capable of seizing power, they would have done it already.”

    The Guardian: Ukrainian far-right group claims to be co-ordinating violence in Kiev

Andriy Tarasenko, one of Pravy Sektor’s co-ordinators, agreed to meet the Guardian in a cafe in central Kiev. Wearing a rollneck jumper and with a quiet voice, he seemed a far cry from the warriors on the street, but his message was clear.

“For us, Europe is not an issue, in fact joining with Europe would be the death of Ukraine. Europe means the death of the nation state and the death of Christianity. We want a Ukraine for Ukrainians, run by Ukrainians, and not serving the interests of others.”

Tarasenko said the goal of the group was a “national revolution” that would result in a “national democracy” with none of the trappings of the “totalitarian liberalism” that the EU represents for him.

He also has little time for the trio of opposition politicians who have been the de facto protest leaders, including the former heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko. “The only negotiations with [President Viktor] Yanukovych should be about how he gives up power. If any of these leaders were capable of seizing power, they would have done it already.”

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Grosse Demo vor der US-Botschaft in Kiew


Am 14.02.2014 veröffentlicht 1. Sendung – Grosse Demo vor der US-Botschaft in Kiew:

Seit Wochen finden dort zahlreiche gewaltsame Demonstrationen statt, die von einer Oppositionsbewegung getragen werden, die zum einen den Rücktritt von Präsident Janukowitsch, zum anderen aber auch den Beitritt der Ukraine in die EU erzwingen will.

Gemäß der Berichterstattung in unseren Medien bekommt man den Eindruck, dass diese Demonstranten einen Großteil der Bevölkerung repräsentieren. Wer sich aber im Lande selbst umhört, dem stellen sich die Zusammenhänge anders dar.

So berichten z.B. Bürger der Stadt Dnepropetrovsk, dass in ihrer Stadt alles friedlich war und keiner die Oppositionsbewegung mit Demonstrationen unterstützt hat und auch nicht unterstützen will. Doch eines Tages erreichten große Busse aus Kiew die Kleinstadt in der Ukraine. Diese waren gefüllt mit gewaltbereiten Demonstranten, die kamen, um den Eindruck zu erwecken, dass auch hier die Bürger unzufrieden mit der von ihnen gewählten Regierung seien.

Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass dies kein Einzelfall ist. So bezeugen andere Bürger der Ukraine, dass ein Großteil der Bevölkerung ganz und gar nicht hinter der Opposition steht. Sie hätten nur nicht die Möglichkeit, sich zu vernetzen und gemeinsam auf die Straße zu gehen, sonst würde es längst massive Gegenbewegungen geben, die weit grösser wären als die der gewaltbereiten Opposition.

Dies deutet auch eine friedliche Demonstration an, die am 23. Januar stattfand und von den westlichen Medien völlig unbeachtet blieb. Tausende Demonstranten umzingelten die US-Botschaft in Kiew.

Die Gruppe „Kiewer für eine saubere Stadt” forderte ein Ende der Gewaltausbrüche in der Stadt und sieht hinter den gewaltsamen Demonstrationen einen von den USA angezettelten und geschürten Kampf.

Ivan Protsenko, einer ihrer Anführer, sagt dazu: „Die USA steht hinter dem, was in Kiew jetzt gerade passiert. Das Geld kommt von dort. Das muss aufhören. Deshalb sind wir hier, um der ganzen Welt kundzutun: USA — Stopp! USA — wir brauchen Frieden.”

Derzeit drängt bei uns in der Ukraine alles in Richtung Unterzeichnung des EU-Assoziierungsabkommens. Aber weiss das demonstrierende Volk auch wirklich, wofür es kämpft? Gesehen wird meist nur der europäische Wohlstand, der über lange Zeit, durch harte Arbeit, Fleiss und geschicktes Wirtschaften mit dem Vorhandenen entstanden ist.

Ein beeindruckendes Beispiel ist Deutschland, das nach dem 2. Weltkrieg aus den Trümmern wieder neu aufgebaut wurde. Aber es muss uns bewusst werden, dass das Deutschland heute ein anderes ist, als wir es noch in unserer Vorstellung haben!

Ich bin jedes Jahr bei meinen Freunden in Deutschland zu Besuch und sehe, wie sich die Gesellschaft gewandelt hat. In der jungen Generation ist nicht mehr viel von der Ordnung und dem Fleiss übrig geblieben.

Diese jungen Leute schwimmen voll im Mainstream aus Amerika mit. Es sind zwei verschiedene Europa, zwei verschiedene Deutschland. Das eine — ein Symbol für Zuverlässigkeit, Ordentlichkeit, Recht, Zivilisation.

Das andere — eine verwesende, unmoralisch werdende Wegwerfgesellschaft ohne Zukunft, die das kaputt macht, was die Generationen zuvor aufgebaut haben.

Sowohl Deutschland als auch die Ukraine sehen sich mit dem gleichen Problem konfrontiert, nämlich den Neueinführungen durch den Einfluss der USA und der EU, die im Begriff stehen, menschliche Intelligenz, ein blühendes Land und eine gesunde Gesellschaft zu zerstören.

Es gilt klar auseinander zu halten, an was wir uns anschliessen wollen, wohin die Reise wirklich geht. Wir brauchen mehr von solchen Medien, die darüber berichten, wie es innerhalb der EU tatsächlich aussieht.

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Ukraine turmoil

2014-03-05 0:00

This is a very detailed and long list from Russia Today about the events in Ukraine between

15 Mai 2014 and 05 March 2014

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Crimea Referendum: 93% of voters want Crimea to join Russia


Youtube: RT: Crimea Referendum: 93% of voters want Crimea to join Russia – exit polls

About 93 percent of voters in the Crimean referendum have answered ‘yes’ to the autonomous republic joining Russia and only 7 percent of the vote participants want the region to remain part of Ukraine, according to first exit polls.

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Adoption of the Republic of Crimea to Russia


The Treaty on Accession of the Republic of Crimea to Russia was signed between representatives of the Republic of Crimea (including Sevastopol, with which the rest of Crimea briefly unified) and the Russian Federation on 18 March 2014 to lay out terms for the immediate admission of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as federal subjects of Russia and part of the Russian Federation.

It was ratified by the Federal Assembly by 21 March.

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Blackwater (Academi) in Ukraine


In March – April 2014 with the development of the civil war in Ukraine, started to come different reports on the American Private Military Companies (PMCs) operating on the territory of Ukraine as well as the CIA agents, the intelligence centres and the information war centres.

These PMCs, being the part of the Soft Power strategy, do all the dirty work that would be difficult to do with the help of the armed forces.

In March 2014 the staff of the American PMC “Greystone” was again and again noticed in Donbas. It can be prooved by photos and by numerous facts of the English speech heard in the combat zone and during the Kharkov Regional State Administration capturing performed by the forces controlled by the Kiev`s junta.

In the end of April the information that the PMC “Academi” operates in Donbas leaked to the Western press.

The information was released by the German edition “Bild” citing anonymous sources in the German intelligence service. According to the information received by the German intelligence service from American colleagues, the PMC staff is involved in combat operations against DNR citizens in arms and local separatist movement during almost two months.

The total number of the Academi mercenaries operating in Donbas reaches 400 people, not including the losses of the Greystone mercenaries.


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Ukrainian presidential election 2014


Pro-European parties look set to dominate Ukraine’s parliament after elections across most of the country on Sunday.

Exit polls put President Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc in the lead, followed by Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyiuk’s People’s Front. A third pro-Western party came in third.

“The results of the election bring firm victory of all democratic pro-European, pro-Ukrainian forces. And that gives us a lot of opportunities to develop, to provide the reform,” said Poroshenko at a media conference.

The Russian government has recognised the results, according to the RIA news agency, which quotes Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying:

“I think we will recognise this election because it is very important for us that Ukraine finally will have authorities which do not fight one another, do not drag Ukraine to the West or to the East, but which will deal with the real problems facing the country.”

Sunday’s elections took place just eight months after the revolution that ousted former president Viktor Yanukovych.

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Ukraine nationalists vow to oust Poroshenko


Members of the Ukrainian interior ministry’s “Azov” battalion attend a protest against local elections in eastern Ukraine under the Minsk peace agreement, in Kiev, Ukraine, May 20, 2016.

Thousands of nationalists are protesting in front of the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev. The demonstrators are threatening to oust Ukrainian MPs and Petro Poroshenko’s administration if Kiev allows elections in Donbass.

According to Kiev police, an estimated crowd of over 2,000 people have joined the protest, although organizers have said that at least 8,000 people are attending the event.

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Victoria Nuland (USA) discussing future government in Ukraine


Transcript of video:

Nuland: What do you think?

Pyatt: I think we’re in play. The Klitschko piece is obviously the complicated electron here. Especially the announcement of him as deputy prime minister and you’ve seen some of my notes on the troubles in the marriage right now, so we’re trying to get a read really fast on where he is on this stuff. But I think your argument to him, which you’ll need to make, I think that’s the next phone call we want to set up, is exactly the one you made to Yats. And I’m glad you sort of put him on the spot on where he fits in this scenario. And I’m very glad he said what he said in response.

Nuland: Good. So, uh, I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I don’t think it’s necessary, I don’t think it’s a good idea. . . . .

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USA unterstützen Neonazis in der Ukraine


In diesem Video berichtet der preisgekrönte Journalist und Bestseller-Autor Max Blumenthal darüber, wie die USA das Asow-Regiment militärisch unterstützen, das als Hochburg für Neonazis innerhalb des ukrainischen Militärs gilt. Er spricht auch über die Beziehungen von USA und Israel zur rechtsextremen Regierung in Polen, wo Neonazismus weiter zunimmt.

Das Regiment Asow (ukrainisch Полк Азов) ist eines von etwa 80 paramilitärischen Freiwilligenbataillonen, die im Ukraine-Konflikt gegen prorussische Separatisten im Osten des Landes kämpfen und dabei dem ukrainischen Innenministerium unterstehen.

Der von nationalistischen Politikern gegründete Verband ist wegen der teilweise offen rechtsextremen politischen Positionen vieler seiner Anführer und Angehöriger sowie der Verwendung entsprechender Symbole stark umstritten. Insgesamt zählte das Regiment Asow 2014 etwa 850 Soldaten.

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Ukraine has smeared itself


On Tuesday, the news spread quickly: Russian dissident journalist Arkady Babchenko had been shot three times just outside his apartment in Kiev, as he went out to buy bread. His wife had been in the bathroom; when she rushed out at the sound of gunshots, she found her husband bleeding to death. He died in the ambulance on his way to the hospital. On Facebook, Ukraine’s prime minister blamed Russia.

No one had trouble believing this story; no one even considered questioning it. It was gruesomely familiar, similar to the many horrifying stories we’d already heard from Russia, Ukraine, and other countries where journalists are killed for their reporting.

The examples that sprang first to my mind were the 2006 assassination of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, shot four times after she entered her Moscow apartment building, her groceries in hand; and the 2016 murder of Pavel Sheremet, a Belarusian journalist killed by a car bomb in central Kiev. The masterminds behind Politkovskaya’s murder were never identified, but it was revealed that she had been under surveillance by the FSB, the Russian security service, for at least two months before her murder.

The Ukrainian government still hasn’t arrested or prosecuted anyone for Sheremet’s assassination, but investigative journalists discovered that an agent of the SBU, Ukraine’s security service, had been sitting outside Sheremet’s building the night the bomb was planted on his car.

Ukraine blamed Russia, predictably, for Sheremet’s death, but some Ukrainians suspected a cover-up. Despite the rift in Russian-Ukrainian relations in recent years, the two countries often behave in strikingly similar ways.

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The Movement– Le Mouvement

2018-07-29 0:00

July 2018:

Steve Bannon is joining the “the Movement – Le Mouvement” of Michael Modrikamen. He brings the tools of Cambridge Analytica and the data illegally received from Facebook about the behaviour and believes of millions of people.

Jan. 2017:

Shortly after trump’s victory in the election and even before his inauguration, Modrikamen founded On 6. A Non-Profit organization was established in Brussels on 27 January 2017. He called it “the Movement – Le Mouvement”. Co-founders are his wife Yasmine Dehaene and Laure Ferrari, a close Friend of Nigel Farage, the Chairman of the right-wing Ukip from great Britain, who also understands well with us President Trump.

Steve Bannon, former Advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump, brought the “tools” with him, says Modrikamen. This includes analysis Tools and experience from the us presidential campaign for Trump.

– – – –

Steve Bannon was former vicepresident of Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica was shut down on May 1. 2018, because MoneyMonarchy cut support.

I am certain that Steve Bannon still has access to the tools of Cambridge Analytica and access to the date received from Facebook.

This could help to put a strategy together, how to impact the european election in May 2019. At least everyone on the right wing side will believe this and will cooperate with Steve Bannon. I think Steve Bannon is a CapitalSoldier of MoneyMonarchy.

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The possible future


MoneyMonarchy wants to gain control over the whole Ukraine and Russia does not want them to get control. As long as the status quo is kept, Ukraine will have a hard time to make any contract to join European Union or the NATO.

MoneyMonarchy seems to sit in the drivers seat and Russia plays more or less the reactive part in that conflict.

Next level of escalation

It looks to me that MoneyMonarchy is currently trying to bring the ultra right sections of Ukraine in power. Those people are more eysily brought to fight for the goal ” Ukraine for the Ukrainiens”.

The right wings should fight the russian occupiers in east Ukraine instead of MoneyMonarchy’s mercanaries. This will bring the international public against Russia, in a long run.

MoneyMonarchy will utilize the current tendency to nationalism in Europe. They will support the ultra right sections in each country to ensure separation of Russia and Europe and to further enforce MoneyMonarchy’s direct influence in Europe.

Further critical developments

The establishments of the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) in Europe by NATO and USA will make an atomic first strike for MoneyMonarchy more likely.

Russia will act to this thread. I am concerned.

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Otpor! (Widerstand!) war eine serbische Organisation, die bei politischen Umwälzungen durch sogenannte “Farbrevolutionen” in Osteuropa und der Kaukasusregion (Ukraine, Georgien) und Ägypten aktive Unterstützung von Oppositionsparteien und -gruppen leistete.

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EU-Staaten einigen sich auf Position zu Gas-Richtlinie


Die Vereinigten Staaten sind gegen das Projekt, denn Amerika will sein Flüssiggas (LNG) nach Europa exportieren, da sind die billigeren russischen Gaslieferungen eine ungewollte Konkurrenz.

Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier (CDU) bestätigte die Lösung, die am Mittag in Brüssel gefunden worden war. Danach wird das Land, dessen Territorium an die Importleitung angrenzt, zuständig für die Regulierung. Es muss sich dabei allerdings mit anderen EU-Staaten abstimmen.

Unter amerikanischen Druck hatte die Regierung in Kopenhagen ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das den Bau von Leitungen auf dänischem Territorium untersagen kann. Das Projekt als solches soll dadurch nicht gefährdet sein – so hat es das Baukonsortium immer wieder betont.

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Ukrainian presidential election 2019


Although the presidential election is still quite far away (it will be held on March 31, 2019), some politicians have already announced their intention to run.

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Komiker Selinski gewinnt Präsidentenwahl in der Ukraine


KiewDer Herausforderer Wolodimir Selenski hat die Präsidentschaftswahl in der Ukraine Nachwahlbefragungen zufolge deutlich gewonnen.

„Alle Bürger in den postsowjetischen Ländern, schaut auf uns! Es ist möglich“, sagte der prowestliche Komiker nach Bekanntgabe erster Prognosen am Sonntag in Kiew.

Amtsinhaber Petro Poroschenko räumte seine Niederlage ein und gratulierte Selenski zum Sieg. „So gehört es sich. So ist es in demokratischen Ländern üblich“, sagte Poroschenko vor seinen Anhängern. Er bereit, Selenski im Zuge der Amtsübergabe zu unterstützen. Zugleich betonte er: „Ich verlasse das Amt, aber ich möchte deutlich unterstreichen, dass ich nicht die Politik verlasse“, sagte Poroschenko.

In einer der Nachwahlbefragungen kam Selenski auf 73,2 Prozent der Stimmen und Poroschenko auf 25,3 Prozent.

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US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev

2026-04-11 20:01

Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government organisations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box…

… In the centre of Belgrade, there is a dingy office staffed by computer-literate youngsters who call themselves the Centre for Non-violent Resistance (Otpor). If you want to know how to beat a regime that controls the mass media, the judges, the courts, the security apparatus and the voting stations, the young Belgrade activists are for hire…

… The Democratic party’s National Democratic Institute, the Republican party’s International Republican Institute, the US state department and USAid are the main agencies involved in these grassroots campaigns as well as the Freedom House NGO and billionaire George Soros’s open society institute.

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