♠ The power of US-Dollar

Today, the strength of the US dollar is supported by the fact that states purchasing oil from OPEC first have to buy dollars from the US. That is why it is so important for the western MoneyMonarchy to have control of the global market of oil and natural gas, so that this remains true.

This is the main reason for all military activities in those countries involved in the extraction and transport of oil and natural gas.

This Timeline will show how the pact between the US MoneyMonarchy and all US governments to dominate the global financial system and how it has come about.
I call the group of people who dominate the banks which dominate the private US organization “Federal Reserve (FED)” as MoneyMonarchy. MoneyMonarchy, because they inherit their power over the money.
The development of the dollar as The powerful lead currency was only possible through the simultaneous development of the United States of America as the leading economic power and the leading military power.
War, organized unrests and producing false facts as means of destabilizing other nations are the main characteristic of their success. Their financial strength and the strength of war industry were constantly rising:
  • By financing extremist organizations, war and destabilization has only been made possible.
  • Using propaganda extensively motivates the public to support the aggression.
  • By financing all warring parties or opposing organizations, maximum destabilization is achieved.
  • With abundant credits, wars and unrest are kept alive for a long time, which means maximum destabilization of the Nations,
  • until the desired basic attitude of a party is shown, which of course is pushed through talks and money. This party is preferred by all means.
  • During or after the reorganization of destabalized nations, credit debt is converted into profits.
  • Compliant governments facilitate the exploitation of the nation.
  • If there is no capital or gold, companies or licences to exploit national resources are also welcome to settle the debt.
  • The right to built a U.S. military base will certainly also balance some credit debt.
The loans are of course also granted according to geopolitical interests of the US and the course of the wars / unrest.
For example, by financing the NSDAP, the second world war was only made possible in order to earn from it and because it was hoped that one’s own power could expand into the Soviet Union.
They constantly seek access to the most valuable resources (especially oil) all over the world or they want to take serious competitors out of the game (Russia, China, EU).
Some clever agreements helped the dollar to become the leading international currency, which were possible only with the help of the strong economic power and the strong military of the United States:
  • Bretten Woods System
  • Pedrodollar
Money is avalable in excess, because MoneyMonarchy can have it produced endlessly by the FED.
Through their warlike activities around the world, they accumulate immense profits, which bring them more and more Power.
And in doing so, the Public is always lied to and betrayed so that they are prepared for wars / unrests, or at least they will not do anything about them. Millions of people are sacrificed for the selfish goal of MoneyMonarchy
  • Assets Growth = Growth In Power.
(the historical facts are based on the book by Ernst Wolff “Finanz Tzunami”, edition e. wolff)

The conquest of the USA


From 1754 to the end of the war of secession in 1865, many companies that built war goods were able to develop so strongly through orders of different interests that they became an economic power in the USA. The production of goods and the national wealth of the USA has increased more than fivefold in the years 1860 to 1900.

As a result of these developments, the first large banks have also established themselves through mergers and acquisitions. This was the birth of the US MoneyMonarchy.

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Money supply


The fixed relationship between the amount of money in circulation and a reserve value deposit in sufficient quantiy generates the trust of the people in the value of the money. In the case of a gold standard, the real value of the money is the gold reserve.

What can nation do that do not have gold reserves? They can at least exchange goods and services to another nation or sell it for gold. Barter or compensation business are other options.

Money has indeed prevailed in the history of humanity, because the handling of trade has been greatly simplified. However, the uncertainty of its real value has been addressed. These uncertainties should be reduced by a gold standard.

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Gold Standard

1900-03-14 0:00

The payment of a trade by money in the form of bills and coins is simply more practical than exchange of goods. But this can only work, if the contracting parties are convinced of the quality of money:

  • Long-term value stability
  • Forgery save
  • Can be exchanged at any time to a recognized value-stable reserve good
  • Issued by a state authority
  • Money supply oriented to economic power

The gold standard is a monetary scheme in which the currency (the money) consists of either gold coins or banknotes that represent a claim to gold and can be exchanged at any time in gold.

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The power base of the US MoneyMonarchy


From Europe, socialist and communist ideas came from. Trade unions were founded. Social unrest and demonstrations against the rich and the banks were common.

In 1907 there was a panic on the stock exchange. More and more people tried to withdraw their deposits from the banks. More and more banks were in trouble. Now the big banks covered themselves with large stock packages and small banks were taken over. The market share of the major banks that survived became huge.

The population urged a rein of major banks. The Aldrich–Vreeland Act was passed in 1908 to deceive actionism, and a National Monetary Commission was called to gain time.

6 men met in a secret meeting on Jekyll Island to discuss how the heated Situation can be exploited. The solution was the establishment of the Federal Reserve (FED) as the US national bank under the control of the US MoneyMonarchy.


  • Nelson Aldrich – leader of the Republican party in Congress, shareholder in J. P. Morgan Bank. Father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and grandfather of the later US>Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller.
  • Arthur Shelton, Aldrich’s Secretary and head of the National Monetary Commission.
  • Abrahan Piatt Andrew, us Deputy Finance Minister.
  • Fank A. Vanderlip, President of the National City Bank of New Xork.
  • Henry Davison, main shareholder of the J. P. Morgan Company
  • Paul Moritz Warbug, Director of Investment Bank M. M. Warburg & Co, at Kuhn, Loeb & co.
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Federal Reserve System

1913-09-18 0:00

The FED is a private Institution, whose owners are not disclosed. It can be assumed that at least the families of the founding Banks, Morgans, Rockefellers, Warburgs, and some others, are major shareholders. The owner of FED is the US MoneyMonarchy.

The FED (the MoneyMonarchy) decides what money system is used. Gold standard, partial gold standard, gold coins, or plain fiat money. Only the FED is allowed to produce dollars out of mowhere (fiat money). The FED decides how much money is in circulation and for how much interest rates commercial banks can borrow.

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Die wahren Herrscher der Welt

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The first worldwar


Since its Foundation in 1871, the German Empire had developed from a relatively backward country into the second largest industrial nation in the world. By the turn of the century it had overtaken France and had become a direct competitor of Great Britain.

The german railway project Berlin-Baghdad showed how Germany touched Britain’s world power position. Economically, Britain could not compete, but in intrigue they were much better.

The first world war was begun to clarify the european power relations. However, the US became a laughing third. The US MoneyMonarchy was the only winner of the first world war. It created the basis for the emerging US world power and strengthened the power of the US MoneyMonarchy.

To lead a war you need a lot of money. Two days after the outbreak of the war, french government officials visited in Paris the bank house J. P. Morgan and asked for a loan of $ 2.3 billion.

The bankers of Morgan, Harjes & Company promptly forwarded the request to US Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, who addressed directly to President Woodrow Wilson, whether there were any objections to it.


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USA declares war on Germany


In Russia, tsarist rule came to an end, which gave Germany the opportunity to transfer the forces in the east to the western front. The USA accepted that Germany could win the war.

The US MoneyMonarchy had granted loans to the United Kingdom alone in the amount of $ 2.3 billion, which was eighty times as much as to Germany.

If Germany had emerged as the winner, not only the loans of the US MoneyMonarchy to the United Kingdom, but also their loans to France, Russia and Italy would have been lost.

This was the main reason for USA entering the first world war. The loans granted should yield maximum profit. In addition, domestic industry would also benefit from a further upswing through further war production, which, of course, must be financed.

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The russian revolution


The deterioration of the supply situation of the population in Russia in the harsh Winter of 1916/1917 and the mismanagement of the leadership in 1917 in the industrial centers led to hunger revolts, strikes and demonstrations.

On 18. February 2017, a strike broke out in the Putilov plant, a Petrograd armament plant. As a result, the management decided to lock out 30,000 men.

On 25. October 1917 was the violent takeover of power by the communist Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in Russia. This led in 1922 to the establishment of the Soviet Union, a dictatorship of the communist party of Russia.

Germany saw early the possibility of expanding the influence of the “Bolsheviks” through financial support and covert operations in order to destabilize the country and subsequently subjugate it warily.

The great fear of the USA was now back, Germany’s cooperation with Russia. This was certainly a reason for the entry of the United States into the first world war

After taking power, the Bolsheviks signed with Germany on 03. In March 1918, the separate peace of Brest-Litovsk.

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Peace Treaty of Versailles


The representatives of the victorious allies met in the Paris suburb of Versailles in order to coordinate their further action towards the war-loser Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Right at the beginning, Britain, France and Italy called for the debt relief of their war debts.

US politics and MoneyMonarchy declined. They wanted to replace Britain as a world power, and Wallstreet wanted to replace the City of London as a global financial centre.

The solution: Germany was declared to be the sole culprit of the war. The following repayments have been made:

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German Inflation 1914 to 1923

Aus dem städtischen Asyl für Obdachlose in Berlin!
In den schweren Zeiten der Not hat das städtische Obdachlosen-Asyl in Berlin naturgemäss einen sehr grossen Zuspruch. Die Sadt Berlin gewährt den Obdachlosen neben kostenloser Unterkunft Suppe und Brot. Zwei- bis dreitausend Männer und Frauen übernachten täglich in dem Asyl.
Blick in einen der grossen Schlafsäle für Münner im städtischen Obdachlosen-Asyl.

Inflation is triggered by the increase in the money supply by the Central Bank (print money). It leads to an increase in prices and a fall in purchasing power while increasing the tax revenues of the state. As the amount of debt remains unchanged, it falls in proportion to the general price level.

For this reason, large debtors, i.e. states, corporations and the financial economy, are always interested in higher Inflation in difficult times.

The wealthy part of the population is always the winner of an inflation. They can exchange the money in tangible assets, borrow larger sums and exchange them in fixed assets and tangible assets.

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The class enemy communism is establishing


At the beginning of the reign of Bolsheviks in Russia, a stock exchange was established with the help of western money and its advisers, and oil production was expanded. In the course of further development, however, private ownership of the means of production was abolished, the majority of large enterprises nationalized, the banking system nationalized and the government’s monopoly on foreign Trade established.

With this policy, Russia and later the Soviet Union became the declared class enemy. “Private Property” is the base of all power of MoneyMonarchy.

This is the cause of the United States ongoing ideological war of information against communism, which culminated in the persecution of Communists.

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Currency reform 1924

Mit der Ausgabe der neuen Rentenmark am 15.11.1923 wird die Inflation in Deutschland beendet.
U.B.z: das Anstehen vor der Ausgabestelle von Rentenmarknoten in der Oberwallstraße in Berlin.

The German Hyperinflation ended in November 1923, due to a currency reform. The Mark was replaced by the pension mark at a ratio of 1:1 trillion. The result was a state free of debt except for reparation payments. As the repayment of loans was no longer a problem, there was an upswing in industry.

Now it was time for the us monarchy to ensure that it was able to secure the profits of its great war loans.

With the help of the other debtors (allies), the reparation payments were newly regulated in the ” Dawes Plan:

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The great depression


The US banks lent loans not only to Europe, Asia and Central America. It was also very easy for US citizens to get consumer credits for cars, washing machines, refrigerators etc.

The US big banks also earned a lot of money in the US, but there were, because of the good economy, more and more smaller banks. Therefore, the FED (MoneyMonarchy) raised the key rate in August 1929. This stopped the generous granting of loans.

Between 1929 and 1933 11.000 out of 25.000 banks disappeared from U.S. market. The depositors lost most of their money, the big banks took over their market shares.

Many investors had already deducted capital from Europe because of the positive values in the US in order to invest it on the New York stock exchange.

Because of the increased interest rates, the lending stopped, unemployment in the United States accelerated to 25% by 1932 and initiated the Great Depression, which lasted until 1941.

Germany hit it worse:

The US banks now demanded their money back, which brought many companies and banks in Germany into trouble. Unemployment exploded. The social situation has worsened.

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The second world war – preparation


The development of NSDAP is an example of how economic and social conditions can be exploited to extreme political developments and how big capital always does this when it is their interest.

The main demands of the NSDAP were:

  • The unification of all Germans on the basis of the right of peoples to self-determination.
  • The repeal of the Versailles peace Treaty.
  • Land and soil (colonies) to settle the population surplus.

The german elite hesitated between 1930 and 1933 to bring NSDAP to power. When the NSDAP became ever more successful, it had published its 25-point Plan and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf“, it was clear that it was also about “creating living space in the east”.

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The second world war


It is always stated the invasion of the German Wehrmacht in Poland is the beginning of the second world war. The second world war began when the german and western capital supported Hitler financially, because they assumed that he will pull against the Soviet Union and that in case of war there is always a lot of money to earn.

24. Aug. In 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union divided Poland, Finland and the Baltic States into their respective spheres of interest and even agreed economic relations (Oil, raw materials) with each other.

The shock for Wallstreet and the City of London was great. After the Invasion of Poland, the fear was enormous in France and Great Britain that Germany was moving towards the west?

What to do?

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Representatives of 44 countries participated in the conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, where a future monetary system was agreed:

  • All participating countries agreed fixed exchange rates to the US Dollar, and
  • in return, the us Federal Reserve committed to exchange dollars for Gold at a fixed rate of $ 35 per ounce for all participating Central Banks.
  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created to ensure the functioning of the system.

The gold price in US dollars was thus fixed for decades.

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European Reconstruction


In 1946 and 1947, there was a recession in the United States. The United States had Overcapacity for war equipment,and foreign countries had no Dollars to buy Goods in the us.

The United States allocated funds to 16 European countries, which were thus almost exclusively able to buy american goods. In addition, they were allowed to spend the same amount of money from their own household only on things that were accepted by U.S. representatives in the respective countries.

The money did not have to be repaid, because it was a stimulus program for the US economy. At least this time it was a win-win situation.

The partial loss of sovereignty caused by the us intervention was particularly damaging to the poor, because the US representatives naturally favoured economic support.

Large portions of the Marshall Plan’s money were also used to fight the communist ideal and its European organizations with the help of CIA, which was founded in 1947:

  • Support for underground organisations in the east.
  • Support of the french socialists against the KPF (communists).
  • Support to Corsican gangs to smash communist strikes
  • Support for the Christian Democrats in Italy in the fight against the Italian communist party.
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The Nixon Shock


On 15. August, 1971, US President Richard Nixon lifted the dollar’s attachment to gold (Nixon shock), as agreed in the Bretton Woods System.

For the many war fronts in the world, the US had to produce so much war equipment and sell it to a wide variety of parties that the amount of gold reserves was not enough.

It was only a matter of time until the gold reserves were no longer close to the amount of money in circulation.

France called for its gold reserves in 1965 and 1966. Other investors followed. Richard Nixon pulled the emergency brake and said goodbye to the Bretton Woods System and there was no gold exchange guarantee anylonger.

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The Pedrodollar


On 6 October 1973, Egypt, Syria and other Arab States began the Jom-Kippur war. They wanted to reclaim the territories they had been buried by Israel, which they had lost in 1967.

October 1973 – Saudi Arabia and other arab oil producing countries stopped their deliveries of oil to the United States completely. The experience of the oil embargo made the US leaders clear that Saudi Arabia held a strategically important position.

This oil price shock has led to an increase in short-time Work, unemployment and company inflation in the industrial Nations. It became clear how important Oil is now for industrial Nations.

A clever deal was negotiated in secret negotiations between the US and the then largest oil Producer Saudi Arabia.

A secret agreement was concluded that gave the us Dollar more Power and gave it a renewed material reference value, the Oil:

  • The Saudi’s ruling house make sure that all the oil that OPEC sells transacts only in US dollars.
  • The surplus of Saudis oil sales had to be invested in US government bonds.
  • The United States, in turn, undertook to buy oil mainly from the Saudis.
  • The US also committed itself to protecting the Saudi ruler’s house from its enemies (Israel, Syria, Iran) and to equip it with state-of-the-art weapons technology.
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To understand the power of the US dollar, this rapid passage through european history should suffice. Similar activities were carried out by the US-MoneyMonarchy around the world. All later wars / unrest to this day (2018) fit into the presented scheme of conquests of the US MoneyMonarchy.

In all the conquests of US MoneyMonarchy, it can be observed that it uses a simple recipe for success.

The US MoneyMonarchy uses the ambition, the greed for power of powerful or power-hungry people in other nations to satisfy its own greed for power and profit. They manages this by:

  • due to corruption of powerful persons or persons with power ambitions.
  • by debt and over-indebtedness of states, organizations and individuals. They are made into helpless dependents to serve the interests of US MoneyMonarchy.
  • Through an ever larger and more powerful military and intelligence apparatus, which ensures that the US MoneyMonarchy can always recover its debt and threaten with it.
  • By financing all warring parties or parties to a conflict aiming to destabilizing nations is driven to the top.
  • Through its own global infrastructure of serving media to bring their own ideas about the conflict to the public.
  • Through a global infrastructure of organizations for covert operations, riots, murders, studies, and information gathering.
  • Through timely preparations, planning of their own public war entry / conflict entry at the optimal time guaranteeing optimal profit and minimum losses.
  • Strategic partnerships with other organizations or nations with similar interests will strengthen the empire.
  • The US economy and the position of power are secured by a continuous flow of orders from abroad and from the US government for the us arms industry.
  • Through blackmailing of nations and businesses with the power of the dollar and the embargo system.

Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela are still struggling not to subordinate their oil and gas reserves to the US MoneyMonarchy. This endangers the US Dollar as the leading international currency.

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