European Reconstruction Timelines: Geld-Dollar-en
In 1946 and 1947, there was a recession in the United States. The United States had Overcapacity for war equipment,and foreign countries had no Dollars to buy Goods in the us.
The US money Monarchy relied on the experience of reparation payments after the first world war:
The United States allocated funds to 16 European countries, which were thus almost exclusively able to buy american goods. In addition, they were allowed to spend the same amount of money from their own household only on things that were accepted by U.S. representatives in the respective countries.
The money did not have to be repaid, because it was a stimulus program for the US economy. At least this time it was a win-win situation.
The partial loss of sovereignty caused by the us intervention was particularly damaging to the poor, because the US representatives naturally favoured economic support.
Large portions of the Marshall Plan’s money were also used to fight the communist ideal and its European organizations with the help of CIA, which was founded in 1947:
- Support for underground organisations in the east.
- Support of the french socialists against the KPF (communists).
- Support to Corsican gangs to smash communist strikes
- Support for the Christian Democrats in Italy in the fight against the Italian communist party.
MoneyMonarchy received their earnings also from the real aid deliveries of the american people. Either people bought them with their own money from american companies or tax money was spent on buying aid from industry.
The so-called “aid program” was a single aid program to enrich MoneyMonarchy.