The first worldwar Timelines: Geld-Dollar-en
- Wikipedia: First World War
Since its Foundation in 1871, the German Empire had developed from a relatively backward country into the second largest industrial nation in the world. By the turn of the century it had overtaken France and had become a direct competitor of Great Britain.
The world power of Britain saw that Germany is building a state-of-the-art trade- and war fleet, which was technically superior to the British. Germany was a technological leader in the steel industry, the chemical industry and the machineries.
Due to the increasing demand for raw materials, especially base oil and new sales markets, Germany pushed beyond its own borders.
The german railway project Berlin-Baghdad showed how Germany touched Britain’s world power position. Economically, Britain could not compete, but in intrigue they were much better.
The great fear of Britain that plagues even today, the United States, was the idea that Germany, with its combination of technology, science, and industrial power in combination with the inexhaustible resources of the Russian Empire would lead them in a short time to a world power.
For this reason, in 1894, London had already settled the steepness with Russia through “Triple Entente“.
The first world war was begun to clarify the european power relations. However, the US became a laughing third. The US MoneyMonarchy was the only winner of the first world war. It created the basis for the emerging US world power and strengthened the power of the US MoneyMonarchy.
To lead a war you need a lot of money. Two days after the outbreak of the war, french government officials visited in Paris the bank house J. P. Morgan and asked for a loan of $ 2.3 billion.
The bankers of Morgan, Harjes & Company promptly forwarded the request to US Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, who addressed directly to President Woodrow Wilson, whether there were any objections to it.
The official policy of the United States at this time was strict neutrality. Wilson hesitated. Then Jack Morgan, the son and successor of John Piermont Morgan wrote a letter to Wilson.
He stated that it was not just a credit, but that this money would flow back to the United States in the Form of orders for the construction of war equipment.
Morgan:”the war should be an enormous opportunity for America“. (see “the papers of Woodrow Wilson”, Vol. 30 Hg by Arthur S. Link, Priceton University Press, 1979)
The loans to France as well to Britain, have been declared as supplier’s credit for private U.S. companies. The order books of steel, weapons and chemical companies (US Steel, Westinghouse, Monsanto) exploded.
The US media constantly assured to the public the United States strict neutrality and promoted the idea of keeping the public out of that barbaric slaughter on the continent.
In secret, the US not only lent loans to the “Entente” but also to Germany in order to keep the war going, which costed millions of human lives.